I was reviewing my cell phone contacts list a few days ago and saw the name of someone who I don't like. Someone I worked with almost two years ago who made my life miserable. In short, a jerk, and certainly someone I've haven't thought about in a while. I said to myself, "self, get rid of that name."
But I didn't. So who should I see today in the street? You guessed it, the person who carries the name I told myself to erase.
Actually, he saw me first, and boy was I shocked to see him. He wished me a good year, asked me how things are going, and I wished him a good year and asked him how things were going. I quickly brought him up to date on me, but realized later I learned nothing about him. I say later, because I was literally freaked out about standing face to face with this person just days after thinking about him.
So what does it mean? No clue. Except maybe this was G-d's way of telling me I need to forgive him for how he treated me. Until the One Above sends me another message on the matter, I am keeping his name in my contacts list.
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