When my sister said she could not attend my son's Bar Mitzvah kiddush, I was very sad. Debbie sent me one of her funny emails that night and I wrote her back with my tale of woe. She responded immediately, offering to do whatever needed to be done. In other words, act like a sister.
Debbie came dressed to kill on Shabbos, looking amazing. In fact, she looked like the Bar Mitzvah's mother, which made me feel glad that one of us had thought to dress up. I had asked her to sit beside me during the meal, and there she was, entertaining everyone at the table while I sat there, overwhelmed. My mother-in-law mentioned to me afterwards how cute she thought Debbie was, and had also appreciated her upbeat, kind manner.
So here's a shout out to you, Debbie. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.
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