I know it sounds like a essay contest, but I just want to share a few thoughts about Chanukah , which comes at the time of the year that I love most. It seems to me that people are at their best right now - giving to others in a world lit up bright from holiday displays. I love those lights blinking lights.
Lighting up the world - yes, that's what Chanukah is all about. Over 2,000 years ago Jews stood up for what was rightfully theirs and fought a mighty empire to be free. The few against the many. The weak (in numbers) against the strong. The clothing and weapons have changed, but the story remains the same. We still stand against the many, but we are the strong. We will prevail. As long as our will is the Holy One's Will, no enemy will take our place.
That's why I love the Chanukah story. Because no matter how small in number we are, the Jewish people have a really big ally. The Creator. Peace to all. Good will towards humankind. Amen.
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