Sunday, January 8, 2012

Taking The Test

Friday morning was the time set for my DTR exam - Diet Tech Registered.  I signed up for this exam last May, thinking that when I passed, I could get a job in a hospital.  But things didn't really work out that way.

In terms of taking the exam then, that is.  It took seven months before I could decide on a date to take it.  I took the practice exam, and it didn't seem that terribly difficult.  I studied a little, and then showed up bright and early Friday morning at the test site.

What I should have realized before is that after the first of the year, everything changes.  There's new laws, new  requirements, and new testing taking procedures.  Took bad the test givers didn't know about the latter.

Schedule for 9 am, it was already 10 am before the test giver started to throw in the towel.  They could not load the test.  I was offered the option of rescheduling, which I refused.  Sorry, my life, or time, is not my own these days.  I just can't reschedule like I'm a stay-at-home mom with live-in help.  I was adamant.

By 10:30 am, they had figured out a way to load the test, and away I went.  Oh my gosh, this test was 10x harder than the practice exam.  I was like sweating, my face was flushed, I thought I would gonna faint.  No food or drink was allowed, so I did the next best thing: I took off my shoes and tried to settle in.

Long story short: Passing grade was 25, and I got a 26.  Not too proud that I passed by the skin of my teeth, but relieved nevertheless.  The DTR exam is a mini Registered Dietitian exam, which I will be facing this summer.

Oh boy - I've got a stomach ache already.

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