So this week I once again joined the local senior center to use the treadmill. Great to see old friends (okay, I've only been going there, on and off, for 2 years, but still, they seem like old friends), and make new ones. The new one would be Doug.
Doug is the cheerleader, the guy who keeps us going, encouraging everyone and working out himself. He can't be more than 55 years old, and he's the kind of person you feel you've known your whole life. Chances are, you have. Because Doug is the kind of person who was everyone's friend in school - the feel good person who just wanted everyone to be happy.
And happy we all are. I read Tehillim on the treadmill, and join side conversations when possible. The guys lift weights. The trainer helps out where he can, and the room is so small, everyone knows everyone else's business.
Just the way I like it. A womb with a view.
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