Tuesday, September 13, 2011


When I got off the bus today at school, a young woman came up behind me and tried to read the tag name on the clasp of my hamsa. She couldn't get the Hebrew script, so I turned the tag over and let her read the English.

We talked a bit about Israeli jewelry and how much we love it. She then mentioned that tomorrow is the last day to sign up for a Birth Right trip this winter and spring. I was amazed. My eldest sons had just mentioned how they wanted to go on a Birth Right trip this winter, and I assumed they had their bases covered.

Of course, it's an assumption that comes from I don't know where, considering teenagers in general, and my boys in particular, don't seem to ever think farther ahead than their next meal.

So I'll just chalk this up to another message from the Holy One, inspiring me to inspire my boys to get going on the applications. Don't you just love it?!

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