The food was amazing, the table settings were quite beautiful, and the speeches inspiring. Then came time to play a game. They chose Jewish Jeopardy.
At first, I thought it was a cute idea. The categories were all local or about Chabad in general, and two teams of old timers participated. The Rav said no women were allowed. I kinda felt cheated, but as the questions were asked, it became obvious that I was out of my league.
And out of my mind. Jeopardy gives the answers, not the questions. And you have to start with the $100 questions and work your way down, not take them arbitrarily. From the sidelines I called foul. Jeopardy is a sacred institution in America. Messing with that game ain't right.
Oh sure, you can use your own answers, but you can't change the way the game is played. If a team got part of the answer right, they got part of the points. What!?
Okay, taking a deep breathe. Keep telling yourself that it was all for fun. All for laughs. That's entertainment. But still, messing with Jeopardy just ain't right.
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