Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Should Really Thank Metro

El Presidente is in town again.  I guess no one in the country has any money besides the people who live in Beverly Hills.  I mean, please.  There are actually 50 states.  Any way Obama can visit the rest of the people who live in America?

His visit, of course, means driving, and especially riding the bus, was going to be a hassle.  I made it on my first leg this evening, but when I got to my final stop, I sent a text the good folks at Metro (Metropolitan Not So Rapid Transit) inquiring as to when I could expect my final bus.  Try 40 minutes, was the reply.

I couldn't believe it.  Forty minutes?  Just to begin the final leg of my journey home?  A fellow traveller confirmed my finding - indeed, the bus was 40 minutes away.

So I decided to walk.  That's right - I could be home in 40 minutes, or so I assumed.  It was a straight shot up La Brea, some 10 blocks maybe.  So I did it.  Walked all the way home.  Took 30 minutes.  And never a bus in sight the whole time.

So thank you, Metro, for living down to my expectations, and inspiring me to do the right thing - exercise when I'm starving.  I'm lying to myself right now and telling myself that everything I ate (veggie burger on whole wheat with mayo, pickle, mustard, tomato and onion) had a negative calorie intake because I walked home.


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