He expressed to me his love of the land, his yeshiva, how glad he was to be home. Oh yeah, as an after thought, he mentioned the earring.
Like sitting in a jury holding cell wasn't enough to set me on edge! An earring!? No way, I told him. Take it out. In my house, you don't have an earring in your ear. Tzitzits yes. Earring, no.
When I finally got home at 5:30 pm, there was no Yitzy. He was off to see Bubbie and his cousins. During that time, his cousins convinced him to remove the earring for the good of family-kind. The Who T-shirt was fine (better than Rolling Stones, which, if you pardon me, their music I never cared for), along with the air-brushed draw string pants. Next up, a haircut, pack on the lost pounds, and my boy is good to go.
Welcome home, Yitzy. You don't need accouterments to make yourself unique. You're my one-of-a-kind son and I love you dearly.
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