In truth, I've been walking on the treadmill on average of 3 days a week for 45 minutes each time. I'm happy. Usually, I read Tehillim (Psalms) or study notes from class. Sometimes, when I'm at school, I watch the TV shows which are subtitled, or when I"m at the senior center, I'll tune into Good Morning America.
This past Friday, I did all three, paying little attention to the treadmill itself. When I looked up, I noticed that I was just a few feet away from the gym wall, which seemed very strange. When I looked back, I realized that my treadmill had traveled a good four feet from its starting position. I cried out to my fellow exercisers to take a look and everyone had a good laugh.
But how did that happen? Literally, the only thing that kept me from going to the wall itself was a chair - the extension cord was long enough to actually keep me going even if I had broken through the wall.
What's the message? Put the brakes on, or at least slow down? Pay attention to the world around you? I'm opting for having a good laugh at life's adventures. Thank you Holy One, for a moment of diversion from a hectic life.
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