Friday, May 4, 2012

Ruby Slippers

It's unbelievable what a little pain will do.  Stupid me, I put my new shoe inserts into old (size) shoes and went to work.  By 2 pm, my feet were in so much pain from the tight shoes that I could barely stand, let alone walk.  So, stuck at work until 5 pm, taking the bus home, all I could do was pray that I had a seat for the whole journey.

When I got home, I felt like a cripple.  I took off my shoes, limped around the house, ate dinner, and then took the kids to the library.  I dropped them off at home and went on to the shoe discount warehouse for what I considered a marathon shoe selection process.

When I got there, I fell upon the first saleswoman I saw and begged her for help.  I told her I needed orthopedic shoes, and that I was in pain.  She took me right away to the one row that has something of that sort - and helped me try on several pairs until being called elsewhere.

I sat down and thought about what just happened.  This young girl basically took me by the hand and helped me.  No commission, no job promotion.  The concept of a warehouse is that you're on your own.  She did more than her job, and with such kindness and consideration.  I found a pair of shoes after she was gone, but it was through her help in what to look for.

A second saleswoman took over and found me another pair.  I just couldn't believe how sweet they both were.  They cared.  When I checked out, I told the counter women that I was amazed at how wonderful and caring the staff is.  She told me it was nice to hear it.

Look for the good, friends.  It's all that matters.

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