That's why it was so important that I vote in person. I got my ballot in the mail, filled it out and went to the Wiltern Theater on Wilshire to cast my vote via machine. Because if I learned anything this past year it's not to trust the system and the politicians who run it. I don't trust the mail system to deliver my ballot and I don't trust auditor to open it and input my choices. I wanted to push all the buttons and I wanted to send my choices direct to Washington.
I am disappointed with a media that selectively reports the news, a tech industry that disses alternative opinions and a populace that takes it on the chin. I want to say it was never like this when I was growing up but I'd only be fooling myself. Sure, we didn't have facebook and twitter, but we had reporters who tailored the news and selected what we all heard. But now, in the 21st century, it's just too in my face. I opted out of facebook when I saw that creep Zuckerberg "perform" before Congress last year. I don't really twitter because frankly, I don't know how. Haven't read a newspaper since Conrad trashed Israel daily in the Los Angeles Times. So what am I missing?
What I'm not missing is being a responsible citizen casting my vote. It's the antidote for what ailed me. And what ailed me was my lack of voice. Come on America. Take back our voice. Turn On, Tune In and Tell Big Brother -Big Tech to go to Hell where they belong.
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