Friday, October 30, 2020

Free Speech Ought To Be Free


I've heard a lot lately about Twitter and Facebook shutting down opinions they don't like under one guise or another. But I don't spend a lot of time on either sites so whatever.  However, I do like to peruse Yahoo and I really resent that they shut off comments with the bogus excuse of creating a safe space.  It sounds like something Hitler would have said.

If that sounds a little much, I mean the part about Hitler, then know this is how much I despise perfidy in all forms.  And when a communication system like Yahoo, which dictates what stories run and which don't (i.e., anti-Trump versus anti-Biden), then comments are the only way to truly allow free speech.

Which means the editors at Yahoo wouldn't know free speech if it bitch slapped them or bit them in the ass.  Which means they are unqualified for their jobs and need to quit immediately.  That's the dream.

The question is - what are these "big tech" companies so afraid of?  That Americans might actually think for themselves?  That we might just figure out that they're liars and we don't want what they're selling?

I am frustrated but I am optimistic.  I believe that the American people can think for themselves and don't want to be lied to by "Big Brother."  I believe that we will rise up and reject these bastards for who they are and what they represent - the end of the most cherished American value of all.  Free speech didn't earn the number one slot in the Bill of Rights for nothing.  Without free speech we aren't Americans and this isn't America.

I will do my part - speak and think freely.  Join me.  It's free.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Talking in LA

I was recruited, without my approval, to speak to new hires at my company about the role of the dietitian.  I know it would have been so easy to ask "why me?" but I assumed that my dear friend and colleague, also recruited for the same task, put me up for it.  So I swallowed my resentment at being imposed upon to speak in front of people I don't know because I thought I was doing it for a good cause.

Well, wasn't it something to find out today that another dear friend of mine who works for the company  was the one who put me up for this assignment.  I was shocked, actually.  And relieved to know that my colleague, the best of the best and truly dear to me, would never have recommended me for anything without checking first.  

Silly me.  It's been about six months since this "extra" gig began and I've hung onto these feelings of imposition and thankfully, kept my mouth shut.  Just goes to show you - never assume and never hold onto hard feelings.  Lesson learned.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Today, I Voted

It's been a heck of a year so far.  Riots, nightly fireworks, meltdowns.  I live in Los Angeles and on the first night of curfew after George Floyd's death, my car, as well as my son's car, got smashed to smithereens by an idiot speeding down an empty road in front of our house while texting a friend.  Two months shy of owning my car, which was parked at the time, I had it towed away forever and had to start all over again.

That's why it was so important that I vote in person.  I got my ballot in the mail, filled it out and went to the Wiltern Theater on Wilshire to cast my vote via machine.  Because if I learned anything this past year it's not to trust the system and the politicians who run it.  I don't trust the mail system to deliver my ballot and I don't trust auditor to open it and input my choices.  I wanted to push all the buttons and I wanted to send my choices direct to Washington.  

I am disappointed with a media that selectively reports the news, a tech industry that disses alternative opinions and a populace that takes it on the chin.  I want to say it was never like this when I was growing up but I'd only be fooling myself.  Sure, we didn't have facebook and twitter, but we had reporters who tailored the news and selected what we all heard.  But now, in the 21st century, it's just too in my face.  I opted out of facebook when I saw that creep Zuckerberg "perform" before Congress last year.  I don't really twitter because frankly, I don't know how.  Haven't read a newspaper since Conrad trashed Israel daily in the Los Angeles Times.  So what am I missing?

What I'm not missing is being a responsible citizen casting my vote.  It's the antidote for what ailed me.  And what ailed me was my lack of voice.  Come on America.  Take back our voice.  Turn On, Tune In and Tell Big Brother -Big Tech to go to Hell where they belong.