I've been having some troubles at work lately, and this Shabbat, when I know we should be thinking holier thoughts, I decided to share my dilemma with friends. One good friend, in particular, also had her stories of woe.
After davening (prayer), the women in my shul gather around for a a shuir, or lecture, usually given by one of us. This Shabbat we had a visitor speak, a much beloved woman who always has a smile and a kind word. She looked at both my friend and I, surely by coincidence, and said, in essence, even if you have negative thoughts, you have to think positive because if you do, the outcome will be positive. We both got wide eyed over that one.
Later, as I was walking back from another shuir with another dear friend, who should I see but a former boss, the first sighting in years, bringing me back to a happier time in my life.. Later on that night, I bumped into another old friend, reminding me of another miracle (she's the star of the tale I told here some years back about starting a Jewish club on campus).
Altogether, the three were good signs. Something good, something miraculous will happen. I just know it.
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