Let me explain. Feeling better from the night before, I was willing to risk my luck. Because for sure, with this friend, buying a wig together falls into the category of risking my luck.
I felt better about things when I realized that the place she was taking me was the same place where I got my very first wig 20-odd years ago. Gone are the really expensive wigs, as this place now specializes in synthetic, which suits me fine. I'm not good at taking care of things, and buying a new wig every two years affords me the opportunity not to invest in its care.
So now I'm a blond. Yep, to the surprise of my friends and family, including my husband, I've gone lighter in color. Of course, my husband prefers me with darker hair (he thoughtfully told me so himself), but I will continue to enjoy being a blond. For a year and a half, at least.
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