Today marked the last day of Round 2 of three rotations on the road to becoming a Registered Dietitian. It was a rather rough road, considering it was my choice of sites and I consider my preceptor a friend. Just remember one thing: you never know anyone until you marry or live with them. I would count as 4 days a week for 3 weeks living with them.
I survived, of course, but not without a few scars. If I crumbled every time someone thought I was less than who I really am, I wouldn't be writing this. I know my strengths, weaknesses, and how I score. It didn't really match watch my preceptor thought, but what the heck. Still love her.
I'm really excited that the swelling on my face is going down, I have oodles to write in terms of my thesis, and my house hasn't been touched in terms of Passover cleaning (we all eat everywhere). So it's going to a busy one week that I get to do it all.
As the saying goes, shoot me now!
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