My family and I recently moved (3 days ago) and it was traumatic. Not the packing and the moving part, just the realization that I have so much stuff. How can a ONE person have so much stuff? I feel like I'll be dealing with my stuff for the next six months.
But the real story isn't my stuff, or the moving. The real story is how one person with a heart of gold helped me make it through today. That person is my boss.
I've had many bosses in my LONG life, and most of them were jerks. Power hungry, insensitive people who were in charge simply because someone else was not. But in the last year my luck has changed. So when my boss asked me two weeks ago if I could work today (Sunday) to give a co-worker a longer holiday break, I jumped at the chance to help out, not realizing that my moving date was coming up soon.
That's because we put a deposit down for the rent back in October, and then the landlord decided to remodel. We've been waiting nearly 3 months to move, and I saw no reason to believe January would be any different than December.
When I realized that I would have to work on a day when boxes were literally blocking the front door, I spent the Shabbat in prayer that something would happen and I'd be free to address the mess in my brand new living room.
When Shabbat ended, I grabbed my phone to see if there were any messages, but nothing. I was resigned to working today. But right after Havdalah (prayer officially ending Shabbat), my phone rang. Another co-worker was asking my permission to work today in my stead. I starting crying, thanked my co-worker profusely, and rejoiced at my sudden good fortune.
I could not only see the Hand of G-d in this, but also the hand of the best boss ever!!! I truly feel blessed.